Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State
Executive Board Meeting
July 8, 2024

Held on Zoom


Present were: President Tana Hasart, Exec VP Cathi Lamoreux, Treasurer Gilbert Plascencia, Secretary John Strong, State Program Lead Jennifer Marquis, Patricia Bosh, Erin Hoover, and Kitty Lundeen-Ness.


President Tana opened the meeting at 4:00 pm.


Jennifer described the upcoming Program Coordinators’ retreat in Ellensburg. The agenda will include inclusion, diversity and equity, a CE policy upgrade, “Telling Our Story,” program evaluations and program / foundation relations. Also MS365 will be reviewed along with the work being done for quality training and resources for MGs..


Showing the financial reports for June, Gilbert noted that income is up significantly with the AEC registrations coming in. One of our CDs matured and was rolled into another. All our CDs are performing well currently. They are short-term and yielding about 4.4%.


Cathi reported that the current Bylaw revision (the first since 2022) includes a lot of work on many details. The team is very careful not to miss any, and they are recording good explanations for each change they make. Completion is very close. Every article of the Bylaws is being updated.

The Policy and Procedure documents (A & B) are being combined into one. All the job descriptions for elected officials are complete. A new proposal regarding officer terms, nominations, and elections is in the works.

The team working on these documents (Cathi, Tana, Don Enstrom, Gilbert and Erin) has worked many, many hours, and deserves our hearty thanks and recognition. The result will serve as an example for local chapters.

AEC 2024

Live Oak is moving ahead with recording appointments for all speakers. Only two remain to be scheduled. There are over 400 attendees registered.

A new registration category has been created… Master Gardeners and WSU staff ONLY: $129.

Dave Scott (Spokane) has been working on gaining sponsorships from the corporate world, and hopes to bring in significant donors. Among the work in this area, a major state-wide health care organization is considering a 3-year sponsorship, which would bode well for attracting other major sponsors.

Among local chapters who have become sponsors is the very small Kittitas County group. They stand as a prime example of how even our smallest chapters can show support.

Six volunteers from around the state have gathered to form the 2025 AEC Format Selection team. Some new and interesting ideas for next year’s event are in the works. It appears likely that it will involve a blend of virtual and regional in-person gatherings.

An official Conference Director is still needed. Please find volunteers who might be interested and able to take this on. Of course, Cathi and Debbie will be available to mentor a new Director, but they are both retiring from that role.


Patricia and Kathy Brenberger have collected several nominations including 2 for MG of the Year, 2 for Media, and one for the Ed LaCrosse awards. Deadline for nominations has been extended to August 1, 2024.


Erin has a candidate for her replacement as editor of the Seed For Thought. That person is still considering accepting the position, and will work with Erin on the next issue.


The Development Office for CAHNRS has a new leader… Jim Smith. Jennifer has been working with Jim to enlighten him about master gardeners and our efforts. He is eager to go to work on the Endowed Chair campaign. Along with another colleague he will be working to bring corporate and private foundations along. Possible funding opportunities in which our MGFWS can take part, may involve grant funding of projects across multiple counties, such as solar greenhouse energy, water conservation and others.


A brief and mixed discussion ensued about this commercial tour company. Their tours focus primarily on gardens – both domestic and international. There may be a possibility for us to partner on some tours, and gain recognition and income therefrom.


Tana presented her draft agenda for this meeting, to be held on the first morning of the AEC. It was pointed out that because of the online conference schedule, it is important that the meeting follow strict time limits, while at the same time allowing for participation. Important agenda topics may be covered in recorded PowerPoints to ensure staying on schedule.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.