Providing a solid foundation for growth
As a Foundation, we provide funding to increase the effectiveness and impact of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program within Washington State.

Washington State University Extension
WSU administers the Extension Master Gardener Program, trains volunteers and provides the educational resources volunteers use to do community outreach throughout the state. Outreach to offer programs like plant clinics, demonstration gardens, and youth programs requires continual funding. Master Gardener foundations provide that funding.
The State Foundation

The focus of the State Foundation is threefold: to provide financial and logistical support for our annual Advanced Education Conference so that we continually further the horticultural education of the public and our Master Gardener volunteers; to provide state-wide leadership and communication among our dozens of local chapters to promote best practices in fundraising and foundation management; and to work in concert with WSU Extension to magnify the benefits that the Master Gardener Program throughout Washington and across the United States.
Chapter Foundations

Local Chapter Foundations provide the funding that drives the educational outreach programs offered by WSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers in your county. These programs are many and vary by county so that we stay in tune with local needs. Funding, provided by local Foundations, supports programs like plant clinics in hundreds of locations to answer your gardening questions, to dozens of Demonstration Gardens where we can show you environmentally sound gardening techniques, to giving talks on important gardening topics through our speakers’ bureau, and much more. Visit your local chapter to learn more about what we do in your county.