Guiding principles for building successful Foundations
We are a collection of 501(c)(3) organizations incorporated at the State and County level whose primary purpose is to provide support of and advocacy for WSU Extension Master Gardener Programs throughout the state.

The Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State is instrumental in providing funding to advance the Master Gardener Program and education through horticultural-based research generated through Washington State University and affiliated university systems.
WSU Extension Master Gardeners empower and sustain diverse communities with relevant and unbiased, research-based horticulture and environmental stewardship education.

Our focus is on providing unifying leadership and open, clear communication among our foundation’s Chapters to link our efforts throughout the state. Together, we can magnify the impact our more than 4,000 volunteers have in making Washington a better, more environmentally sound place to live.
The Extension Master Gardener Program was conceived in Washington state in 1973 and through the efforts of our Foundation we strive to keep our pioneering spirit alive for the next 50 years and beyond.

Our grants support the continuing education of our volunteers through annual WSU Extension Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference; the advancement of our knowledge and tools via our support of the WSU endowed faculty chair; and countless programs throughout the state including dozens of demonstration gardens, hundreds of answer clinics and classes on topics ranging from home gardens to climate change to wildfire preparedness.