Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State
Board Meeting
January 15, 2025

Held on Zoom


Officers present included President Tana Hasart, VP Cathi Lamoreux, Secretary John Strong, Treasurer Gilbert Plascencia, and State Program Leader Jennifer Marquis. One guest, Jim Smith, from CAHNRS Development Office was also present.

At the meeting opening, Secretary John Strong announced that 16 chapters were represented by 34 members in attendance. (Several more members joined the meeting late.) A quorum was met!

President Tana opened the meeting and called on Jennifer for the State Program Report.


Jennifer focused her report on Program / Foundation Relations. To begin, she discussed the recent cancellation of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Benton-Franklin Master Gardener Foundation and WSU Extension, due to a history of the Foundation’s failure to adhere key parts of that agreement. Subsequently, that Foundation dissolved.

The WSU Extension Master Gardener Program is focused on strengthening relations between itself and local chapter foundations, as well as the State MG Foundation. She noted a commitment from WSU to provide staff, facilities, training and credibility to local programs and foundations. WSU has NO intent to terminate MOAs with local foundations.

Jennifer has received multiple requests for more details about the Benton-Franklin issues, but she declines to share those details out of respect for all the individuals involved. It was noted that ALL persons involved worked genuinely and positively to resolve the issues.

Leaders of MGFWS and Extension are working on a new template for MOAs to ensure that all key points for both parties to the agreement are included. Renewing the relationships between the parties will include a review of local foundation bylaws, articles of incorporation and policies, to ensure they are in sync with any new agreements.

Jennifer offered sincere appreciation to all MG volunteers and foundations for all their time, effort and dedication to the program.


Jim Smith, Chief Development Officer for CAHNRS, was introduced. The Jennifer proceeded to provide background of the Endowed Chair Campaign. In an effort to ensure achievement of the Land Grant purpose of education for everyone, through teaching, research, and expanding knowledge, the Master Gardener program strives to meet those goals.

The Endowed Chair campaign was begun to make sure that Master gardeners had the best available education and resources, by appointing a dedicated faculty horticulturalist. While that campaign has had some success, it is far behind in getting to the stated goal. In December, Tana and Jennifer met with CAHNRS leadership (Wendy Powers, Vicky McCracken and Jim Smith) to talk about the status of the campaign. Soon after, the MGFWS Executive Officers met with that same group.

At this point in the meeting, Jim shared the current status of the campaign and the outlook for completion of the effort. Currently, there has been approximately $162,000 collected from 238 households. Clearly, with about 2+ years to go, that is a long way from our goal of $1.5 million.

Other considerations about the campaign. If achieved, the $1.5 M would not afford the support of the faculty member. To achieve that, at least twice as much would need to be in the principal account of the endowment. At one time, endowment collections for faculty positions were frequently matched by the University’s Provost office. That is no longer the case, given the severe deficit positions the University finds itself in. Declining student enrollments, drastic reductions in state government support, and the slim prospect of future budget improvements simply will not allow it.

These conditions require us to step back and review the original purpose of the campaign, look at possibly clarify the Gift Use Agreement, and planning for the use of the funds if the goal is not achieved according the the original schedule. We may consider extending the schedule and refocusing our fund-raising efforts.

It is important to note that all funds collected in the effort are dedicated to support of the Master Gardener Program. Jennifer stated that, while fully funding a faculty position is likely not to happen, there are options before us. Possibilities may include:

  • Fund a portion of faculty time – such as summers.
  • Fund part-time outside faculty from other institutions.
  • Fund events, citizen science efforts
  • Fund applied research
  • Others

An important step is to create a written policy that all funds collected in this effort will be controlled and managed by the State Master Gardener Lead, together with an advisory board made up of internal and external members.

Tana reported that the Executive Committee learned of these details just in the last few weeks. They are committed to updating the full board on new ideas and steps followed as we navigate the changes to this funding campaign. It is important that board members communicate this situation with care, and in such as way as NOT to lead people to give up on the goal of raising these funds for our future. WSU Extension and your Executive Committee are committed to best ways to use these funds.


Cathi referred to the report from the AEC Planning team that was sent out in today’s meeting materials. She said that the committee has tried to respond to comments from conference goers such as, “Virtual meetings are nice, but we miss the personal interactions.” So the plan for this year is to experiment with a blend of venues. The Friday of conference weekend will offer the opportunity for local chapters to host in-person gatherings (watch parties, if you will) to enhance online presentations with speakers, conversation and social interaction. Then Saturday will be all virtual. Local county program coordinators will be asked to present the hosting option to their memberships. Assistance in local program development will come from the AEC committee.


Gilbert reviewed the budget as proposed by the Executive Committee. One line item that is new, and needs to be pointed out is the possible expenditure of up to $10,000 for legal services, in connection with issues surrounding the changes in the Endowed Chair campaign. It was suggested that multiple quotes for that legal consultation be obtained in order to get the best combination of fees and talent.

*** Kim Olafson (Snohomish) moved to approve the budget, including the new legal expense line. Her motion was seconded by Karen Nelson (Skagit). Motion was approved unanimously.


Tana announced the appointment of Debbie Benbow, who has accepted the position of Communications Director. Debbie has already had an initial meeting with her team. Kudos for Debbie were shared.


  • February 5th – hold this date for a possible Listening Session for information about the Endowment (5:00 – 6:00pm)
  • February (date TBD) – Board and President Orientation
  • March 19th board meeting – Strategic Plan Update
  • March 19th board meeting – UFW Project Discussion


Kitty asked that we get an update on the MS365 implementation

Debbie reminded us that our local events can be promoted through the state program website. A QR code will be distributed at the NW Flower and Garden Festival to direct folks to that state-wide event calendar. To post your event, use this URL:


Tans adjourned the meeting at 5:47 pm.