Reflections – an Autumn update
by: Tana Hasart – President

This message to you is a “catch up” – with Advanced Education Conference work, a local Foundation annual meeting, and a two-week trip out of state, updating the MGFWS blog message is sorely in need of attention.
During this time of year, reflection is the name of the game. There is so much to celebrate about the work of the MGFWS. Topping the list are the highly successful regional 50th Anniversary events, a well-executed and well-received 2023 AEC, 11 new foundation websites either deployed or nearing completion, and plans in place for the 2024 Northwest Flower and Garden Festival. At the local level, the amount of food harvested for donation; the number of people served through plant and office clinics; and the hours spent supporting local community garden efforts make such a huge difference, demonstrating how we as MGs live out our mission.
Thoughts also turn to new learning. With colder temperatures and rainy days comes the time to dream. Whether it is the Territorial Seed Company Catalog, online classes such as Snohomish County’s Growing Groceries series, or wonderful events in Spokane (Cabin Fever) and on Whidbey Island (The Whidbey Gardening Workshop), there is time to fill our brains with new information. This month heralds the beginning of planning for next year’s MGFWS work: the 2024 virtual AEC conference, the Endowed Chair Campaign, updating principal documents (bylaws, policies, and procedures), and continuing to recruit members for officer and board positions are priorities.
Paired with reflection and new learning comes such a deep feeling of thankfulness. So many people help the MGFWS provide statewide unifying support to local MG programs. Discovering the deep knowledge and talent of the MGFWS Executive Board is truly inspiring. Witnessing the selfless time given to board service and projects such as the 50th Anniversary and our AEC; meeting with committed local chapter leaders; and working with Jennifer Marquis to provide unifying and clear messages are meaningful and important undertakings. Please accept my appreciation for all you do to make the MGFWS such a success. Enjoy this time of reflection, learning, and thanksgiving!