Tana Hasart

I’ve decided I enjoy being a pollinator!

by: Tana Hasart – President

In my professional life, before retirement, there were regularly scheduled meetings to attend, specific groups that called for mandatory membership, and required work tasks. Life these days is much freer, allowing me to explore new activities and interests!

Here in my county, a day at the demo garden might consist of mowing, cleaning and organizing the storage shed, or meeting with an intern team whose focus is on creating accessible garden beds. It is a joy to fill in where needed, supporting colleagues in various areas.

State-level conversations almost always allow for personal sharing about family or other topics. Workgroups pose opportunities to share best practices and new ideas. State meetings are filled with time to learn about other locations’ work and compare similar challenges or opportunities. Traveling to various counties results in gaining first-hand insight – whether about plant sales, local history, or points of pride. I am so grateful for the incredible work being accomplished by Washington’s Master Gardeners.

So, I am content with my pollinator role, never forgetting its primary purpose is feeding the hive. I think those bees are on to a good thing!

Happy summer!
