Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State
Special Board Meeting

for the purpose of reviewing and adopting newly revised Bylaws
September 4, 2024

Held on Zoom


Twenty-seven (27) representatives and officers were in attendance at meeting opening, representing 17 chapters. A quorum was achieved.


President Tana opened the meeting at 6:00 pm, and called for a motion to accept the draft bylaws.

**** Karen Russo so moved, and Kim Olafson seconded that motion. The discussion was led by VP Cathi Lamoreux.

Cathi told how the meeting would progress. Since the entire bylaws have been revised, she will read one article at a time. Following each one, discussion and questions will ensue.

Most of the comments and discussion during the meeting entailed word-smithing. Capitalization consistency was pointed out in several places. Some members preferred something other than the term “shall”. Several articles or paragraphs came across as wordy and heavy on ‘legalese’.

It was pointed out that our bylaws constitute a legal document, and must conform to RCWs and Secretary of State guidelines. In order to avoid potential misunderstandings and conflicts in the future, they must be very clear and precise.

Some edits were adopted, such as where a statement would be more appropriate in Policy and Procedures, or a phrase was found to be unnecessary or repetitive. Other comments were noted, to be forwarded to the next time we revise the document.

**** An amendment to the motion was proposed: “The vice president is authorized to make changes to the draft bylaws as discussed.” The original mover and seconder agreed.

**** In all, the group was pleased with the work of the bylaws revision team, and the amendment and motion were passed.


Don reminded the group of the letter sent about two weeks ago, describing the nomination and election process. Inasmuch as the bylaws were passed, only the four main officers will run for election (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer). Only one candidate for each office is currently in nomination. Nominations will remain open until the election at the annual meeting on September 27th. Anyone who wishes to nominate someone can notify Don. Those interested in serving on or chairing a committee is encouraged to contact Tana.

Don will send a letter soon outlining the nomination and election procedures under our new bylaws.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.