Lewis County: Year-Round Vegetable Gardening

Salkum Timberland Library 2480 U.S. Hwy 12, Salkum, WA, United States

How to select plants for color, structure and eye appeal for spring, summer and fall.

Lewis County: Concrete Leaf Making

Salkum Timberland Library 2480 U.S. Hwy 12, Salkum, WA, United States

How to create Concrete Leaves for decoration and planters. Covers what leaves work best and how to form and cure your creations.

Lewis County: Creating a Food Forest

Salkum Timberland Library 2480 U.S. Hwy 12, Salkum, WA, United States

Creating and expanding a Food Forest, covering design and plants to use. Presenter will share personal examples from ongoing experience and ever expanding knowledge of maintaining a Food Forest.