Climate Change
Working Group

Goals of the Group

As a group, we are concerned about Climate Change and how it is affecting the planet. We are banding together, across the state, because Climate Change is such a large issue, it requires us all to pull together as one. As Master Gardeners, we are defining the path where we can offer relevant information, packaged into programs that are consistent with the Master Gardener mission and priorities. We want to make an impact in such a way that the Master Gardener Extension Program is regarded as a key resource in the fight against Climate Change.

Zoom Meetings:

When the group meets:

We have monthly meetings. One hour, Wednesdays at 5:30pm on the Wednesday deemed to be closest to the middle of the month. In the meetings, we review progress on active projects; promote ideas for new projects; and seek project leads to move those ideas to active projects.

Zoom Link. Passcode: 123456

Active Projects:

Currently, we are working on four projects

Speakers Central: We are creating a state-wide library of Speakers Bureau presentations, centered on Climate Change.

Childrens/Youth Gardening: We are creating Climate Change Classes for our state’s youth.

EMG Climate Education: We are creating courses to help advance the education of EMGs

AEC: This year’s WSU Extension Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference (AEC) will have a specific Climate Change Track and we are helping to support that effort.

and more: We will continue to launch projects as the ideas gel and as Project Leads raise their hands.

Advanced Education Logo.

Join Us!

Care about the Climate and want to make a difference?

Climate Change is such a significant issue, it requires all our effort. We need volunteers who are willing to roll up their sleeves and tackle projects, large and small. Together, we can help build momentum to tackle our greatest challenge.

Send us your name, email & county with the heading ‘Sign Me Up!