
Active Projects + Future Project Ideas

Once defined, a project becomes active when an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) agrees to lead that project. The Project Lead agrees to recruit members, schedule meetings as necessary and basically do what it takes to move the project forward to some deliverable as defined by the team.

Active Projects:

Advanced Education Logo.

AEC 2024 – Climate Change Track

Project Lead: Rick Edwards (Chelan-Douglas)
Contact – to join the group or make suggestions

Project: The group that puts on the Advanced Education Conference (AEC) is having an educational track dedicated to Climate Change in 2024.  Members of this group can have some impact on what the AEC content line-up looks like and can also submit their presentations for consideration to be included in the agenda.

Childrens / Youth Climate Change Gardening

Project Lead: Sandi Bauer (Pierce)
Contact – to join the group

Project: We have numerous Childrens/Youth Gardening programs across the state. Would be good to develop Climate Change content for this group… as they are going to be dealing with Climate Change throughout their lives.
Could also consider Grand/parent to child content and content ideas to hand out at clinics.

Project Ideas:

Clinic Kits

Idea: We host Clinics throughout the state. It is one of our primary contact points with the public. This group would look for ways to provide relevant information on climate change to the public through Clinic deliverables. There is opportunity to re-package key information from our Speakers Bureau presentations and other sources into ‘One Sheets’ with link back to a website. One example is this Tip Sheet created by King County.

Plant Sale: Merchandise a Climate Change Section of Plants

Idea: In Pierce County, enough members of the public have asked for planting alternatives to a lawn, that we have started stocking appropriate ground covers; in Kitsap County, a MG has tried to formulate a peat free potting soil; and everywhere we emphasize Native Plants.  Perhaps we could put together these ideas and more and specifically label an area of our Plant Sales as “Plantings for Climate Change”.

What else?

Let’s fill out this section with multiple ideas. Ideas that span all our programs from Demonstration Gardens to Clinics; from Intern Education to Continuing Education. Look for projects to enhance everything we do.