Speakers Central

Speakers Central – Work Area

This area is a companion site to the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program site where Speakers Central resides. That site contains all the presentations that have been “WSU EMG APPROVED” for State-Wide Speakers Bureau presentations.
This site also contains presentations that are in the process of getting approved and presentations that need further modification to be more relevant for either Eastern or Western Washington audiences.
So, you come to this Work Area to view and download presentations that you would like to further adapt to your local community before submitting it through the WSU EMG APPROVED process.

What is the “WSU EMG APPROVED” Process?

The ‘Why’ & ‘What’ of getting APPROVED

Why: WSU and the Extension Master Gardeners Program enjoys a stellar reputation for delivering quality information to the public. In areas like Climate Change where the science is rapidly advancing, we want a process in place to ensure our presentations are accurate and stay current.
What: Because Speakers Bureau presentations are generally an assimilation and repackaging of previously published materials the emphasis of the process, in order, is on these three things: plagiarism; Crediting of copyrighted materials; and ensuring you are using valid science in your presentation.

Step by Step Instructions to getting APPROVED

Step 1: Download the WSU approved presentation template for Climate Change (or another Program Priority)

Step 2: Read the WSU EMG APPROVED guidebook, a short PDF which tells you everything you need to know about plagiarism & proper crediting of copyrighted materials.

Step 3: Create or complete your presentation using the template. There are file size restrictions when you submit your presentation and this template was edited to be ‘lighter’.

Step 4: Submit your presentation here to start it through the approval pipeline

WSU EMG APPROVED Presentations:

The Resilient Yard
Battling Climate Change at Home

APPROVED Author: Mike Peronto, Pierce County (Western WA version) *Need: Eastern WA version *

Synopsis: Presentation for homeowners who want to know what simple steps they can take in designing and maintaining their yard to battle climate change. Presentation is broken down into sections on climate change, lawn maintenance, garden bed design & growing veggies.

Approximate run time: One hour

At right: Select ‘PDF‘ to view the slides with Presenters Notes; Download via the PowerPoint icon.

Protect our Pollinators
from the effects of Climate Change

APPROVED Author: Karen Palmer, Clark County (Western WA version) * Need: Eastern WA version *

Synopsis: Presentation for homeowners to help them understand the importance of adding pollinator plants to their garden beds and the positive effect this has for native pollinator species.
Designed as both a stand-alone presentation and one that could also be a follow-on to “The Resilient Yard” above for either a longer presentation or a return engagement.

Approximate run time: One hour

At right: Select ‘PDF‘ to view the slides with Presenters Notes; Download via the PowerPoint icon.

Veggie Gardening with EASE

APPROVED Author: Laura Matson, Pierce County (Western WA version) * Need: Eastern WA version *

Synopsis: Presentation for homeowners to encourage them to grow veggies in their yard as a way to strengthen the local food network. Highlights practices the homeowner can adopt to reduce the carbon footprint when compared to commercially grown vegetables.
Designed as both a stand-alone presentation and one that could also be a follow-on to “The Resilient Yard” above for either a longer presentation or a return engagement.

Approximate run time: One hour

At right: Select ‘PDF‘ to view the slides with Presenters Notes; for use, Download via the PowerPoint icon.

Working Copies of Presentations to be submitted for Approval:

More Trees, Please

Author: Gail Hecmanczuk, Pierce County (Western WA version) 
Synopsis: Presentation for more than just homeowners: anyone who has access to planting a plot of land. Discusses the importance of forests and highlights the Miyawaki Method, a proven technique for creating micro-forests that grow quickly.

Tree Canopies in Cities

Author: Tim Kohlhauff, EMG Coordinator, Spokane County (Eastern WA Version)
Synopsis: Presentation focuses on the importance of cities maintaining and increasing their Tree Canopies. Cities increasingly become heat islands and the way to battle that and protect people, plants and animals is to improve the amount and health of their tree canopies.

Native Plants in the Suburban Landscape

Author: Marilyn Denney, Pierce County.
Synopsis: Presentation can be given stand-alone or as a follow-on to “The Resilient Yard”. Taking the next step beyond the ‘beds’ section of TRY and applying the concepts to establishing Native Plants in the garden beds of the suburban yard.

Waterwise Gardening

Author: Nancy Goodin, Pierce County
Synopsis: Will include both water wise gardening and rain gardens

Lawn Alternatives

Author: Anna Lieck, Pierce County
Synopsis: Presentation that can stand alone or be used as a follow-on to the TRY presentation. While TRY was focused on reducing your carbon footprint in the maintenance of your lawn, Lawn Alternatives focuses on the steps to take to reduce or remove your lawn. Western Washington edition.

PNW Gardening & Climate Change

Author: Jim Little, King County
Synopsis: A scientific view of the causes and implications of climate change on PNW gardening.


Author: Jim Little, King County


Author: Molly Van der Burch, King County
Synopsis: Hey Molly… remind me again on your topic?